Yeah. I've decided to become that woman. In November we got hit by a drunk driver. I'm lucky to be alive. My old car was well loved with hail damage, and a dent in the top from a fallen palm tree from a storm when I lived in East Hollywood.
This gave me the opportunity to get a new used car.
In feng shui your car represents your emotional body. I got a new one. It's a zippy little volvo with a gorgeous interior.
Probably pre-owned by little old ladies who hardly ever drove it but got it serviced every five minutes. I'm grateful to them for that.
These are the things I got to keep said car clean, organized, and pretty! Pre-Curated for ya. They come in different colors of course too. Click on any image for links!
This is so pretty and it solves the I need a Kleenex issue, gives a place to hang my purse, my dog's leash, etc.
I never want to hunt for my registration or insurance card ever again!
My lovely console pack. This will have my floss picks, hand sani, wet wipes, lip gloss, doggie bags, first aid kit and any other everyday needs.
I love having cute coasters. If I spill on them I'll throw them into the dishwasher.
Clip sunglasses onto car visor. I keep a pair in my car always so I don't scorch my blue eyes.
Not only are these hand sanitizers so aesthetic and clean, but they smell awesome!
For the 'beagle glitter' aka dog hair. It's a sticky roller you can wash and reuse. I keep it in my console.
This trash can is inconspicuous and clips around the console sitting between the back seats!